Thursday, February 26, 2009

By Julian of Norwich

By Julian of Norwich
The best prayer is to rest in the goodness of God, knowing that that goodness can reach down to our lowest depths of need

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Try this link to do an e -subscription for the Goshen College lenten devotions

Sunday, February 22, 2009

to rest and rememberthat there is nothing I have to do,
nothing I have to buy or sell,
nothing I have to produce or consumei
n order to become who I already am:
your beloved creation.
May your overworked creation
and those who cannot rest today
come to know the liberation of your sabbath.

- Sam Hamilton-Poore
Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation
From p. 129 of Earth Gospel
by Sam Hamilton-Poore.
Copyright © 2008

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

From Spirituality and Practice

Maybe one day we'll grow weary of whining and celebrate the rain, the manna, the half-filled glass of water, the little gifts from heaven that make each day bearable. Instead of cloaking ourselves in the armor of pessimism, maybe we'll concede that we are who we are: capricious, unfortune, wonderful, delicate, alive. Forgiven.— Mark Collins in On the Road to Emmaus

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another prayer, borrowed for the day

both the wideness and the wildness of God’s grace
–in sun and sky,
wind and water,
animal and plant,
and in the drumming
of your own heart.
- Sam Hamilton-Poore

Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation
From p. 111 of Earth Gospel
by Sam Hamilton-Poore.
Copyright © 2008

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Collect our tears
Tears of sadness
tears of joy
Tears of anxiety
nervous tears
Tears that don’t know why they run like rivers down the face
Gracious God,
collect our tears in your bottle
And pour them back on us as life-giving water!

- Safiyah Fosua
The Africana Worship Book: Year B
From p. 178 of The Africana Worship Book: Year B,
edited by Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua.
Copyright © 2007 by Discipleship Resources