Friday, July 12, 2013

A meditation on the water softener
I was attempting a time of silent prayer the other morning, but I kept getting distracted by the sounds. The birds were singing just outside the window. The furnace would start up. I could hear a clock ticking on the wall. I decided to turn the “distractions” into signals and meditations.
Birds were singing the simple joys of
life. The furnace reminded me that the Holy Spirit was a fire to be warm within me. The ticking clock pointed me to be patient in the good steadiness of God’s time.
Then I could hear the water softener. It was starting its re-charging cycle. I knew that I had just recently added salt. I thought of the salt and the water
and how the softener would remove the hardness, or reduce some of the minerals that would otherwise build up inthe system. I wondered if I had a spiritual water softening cycle as well. Is that what prayer is also about: recharging and removing some of the hardness that builds up in my system?
I need softer water. Jesus gives us this living water and we are called to be salt of the earth and to have salt. I thought of how the water softener is set on a regular schedule to do its re-conditioning. I can also re-program it for times when I need it to work more often because of more water usage.
Maybe I should at least be as organized as the plumbing in my house. Refill the salt. Keep the re-charge schedule of prayer and worship. Schedule more when needed. Care for the hardness that builds up my heart.
Soften my heart, O God. Let me enjoy the water of life you offer.