Sunday, September 14, 2008

Aggravation of Faith

The confirmations students are asked to prepare a statement or affirmation of faith as part of their confirmation preparation. They have copies of the traditional creeds plus some more contemporary creeds to consider, and a whole list of questions to prime their thinking. I always point out that this is more snap shot for today and that I hope this picture of faith for them will continue to grow.

The confirmation creeds are due about now and one of the students told me this week ,with great satisfaction, that he wrote his "Aggravation of Faith." I kept a straight face and said, That's good but I think you are talking about your affirmation of faith. "Oh Yeh" he said.. But I said that Aggravation of Faith sounded pretty good too and it might make a good sermon idea. I could preach on that!
So, blog reader! How are we doing with our Aggravations of Faith? It does seem like that too. Read the prophets. Or a gospel lesson that tells me I must forgive! Or any of this incessant Jesus language about self denial, dying and rising. And the very idea of God' presence, with us!
I did some dictionary work and found that aggravation is not just something irritating or is from the Latin word that means "to make heavy. "
We have made light of creeds, of our beliefs, far too often . Affirmations of faith are heavy.....aggravating.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Having just done that, I think the young person is really on to something!