Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas still

The first Sunday after Christmas day.
The verse of the day should be Luke 2:19; to be like Mary as she treasured and her heart.
The two Christmas eve services are past. The relatives have returned to their homes. Some things have been put away. We simplified Christmas more intentionally this year. That means we did not contribute very well to the economic recovery. We wrapped most of our presents in newspapers, gave more Christmas gifts to charities such as the UMCOR Zimbabwe relief or some local needs. Sara knitted me a scarf. Nick is doing special chores for us, we enjoyed some gifts of homemade breads and jams. ( My anonymous Christmas tie giver at church also got in on this trend and gave me,instead, a flock of chickens through Heifer Project and a pair of black socks. Thank you anonymous giver if you read this!)
I did not put up the Christmas lights outside so we reduced some energy consumption. In side the house we put up much less of the decorations as well. It felt simpler. Maybe we can simplify even more next year. And leave more time for pondering this Christ gift, then and now.
Merry Christmas, still....

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