Wednesday, April 22, 2009

if only

If only I had time to blog
I would write about
earth day
or the funeral tomorrow
or the retreat time I had at the Episcopal House of Prayer
or the poems I am enjoying of Hafiz
or the latest idea to tickle my mental fancy
I could write about my family; my wife, children.,parents, siblings and the stuff of life ...
or the frogs that are singing with the break out of spring
not only in the marshes down the road but in my own inner swamps where spring songs came alive to sing
or I would write about Easter and the risen One who showed them his wounds.....

and of course there is always church stuff....

which is probably (maybe...but not for could be just an excuse)

this is all "if "
and if only...

Rambling on

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sounds like what I say in my head most days. I think for me it is an excuse-I could take part of my journaling time to blog, but I get so wrapped up in my journal I lose track of time and then it is time for all those if only events