Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One of Sara's poems

You could link over to Sara's writing blogs and read this but I have permission to copy it here . Her site has mostly short stories and vignettes, but some times she does a poem. She wrote this one last night.

IF I WERE A POEM (c) Sara Swenson - November 2007

I ride a purple unicycle on the spiraled lines of time
up and down
against sea-sick gravity,
with a mouth full of cosmic dust
the kind of stuff you only taste
on merry-go-rounds, with your head hanging off to one side
somebody's sneakers kicking up gravel next to your nose
(dizzy spinning)
I wish
backpedal time
and laugh a little longer
with strong white, teeth, like stars shining back at the universe
just laugh so long.

but life is linear and so am I
balanced precariously
I cry pearl tears and ride, ride, ride
just pedal strong
like scraped knees
faster faster faster forward
because I can't go back

pedal strong across this thin line of
acrobatic fishing line
tight rope walker
playing games
pedal strong
balancing, ride
this thin, thin line
strung like spider's silk: a web
my life
soft among the stars
I ride
I ride
I ride
and laugh
my spiraled lines
of time
strung soft
strung soft
strung soft
this golden


Sara Ann said...

This poem is just about life and time and growing up and growing old. About not being able to turn around and grow young, but embracing this fact and pedaling forward with equal enthusiasm. This poem is just about the soft things in life and the beauty of life's intricacies. Much love to all and thank you for asking!

Anonymous said...


You have a great "gift" in your writing skills. Your Great Grandma Swenson would be very proud of you.(she was a poetry fan.)

Your Great uncle Gene

Rory said...

Thanks Gene, I didnt know that Grandma Swenson was a poetry fan. Anything else you can tell me about that?