Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It comes down to who you know

In a fit of extreme rambling, Beth and Sara and I were discussing conspiracy theories, then connections to people and various events, such as the Kennedy assassination. Beth had a second cousin or something who was the captain of the parade color guard behind the Kennedy motorcade in Dallas, then I told about how the Swenson family relatives were responsible for the Mafia because the Mafia can trace its beginnings as a resistance organization against the Norse raiders (our early relatives) who settled in Sicily... then I explained how Dick Cheney is responsible for Beth and me being married because in the summer of1979 I worked on an oil rig in Colorado that also depended on Haliburton services and I have the sticker on my hard hat to prove it, so therefore my employment depended on Haliburton and that employment helped pay for seminary which led to the ministry that took me to Red Bird Missionary Conference where Beth and I met, therefore , I told my daughter you wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dick Cheney! ... the conversation only got worse from there but I was able to vindicate my tangled logic and conspiratorial brilliance by recalling the book title "How the Irish Saved Civilization" and that since we also have Irish heritage... it ain't all bad.
It's all who you know.
And if you read all this ramble..just remember you're making history..and reading history in the making!
Enjoy the day!