Friday, January 25, 2008


This will also be the February church newsletter article

A book that I have not read, but have certainly heard about is, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A. J. Jacobs.

Jacobs is a secular Jew who decided to try and live a “Biblical” lifestyle so he grew a beard, avoided mixing wool and linen in his clothing, ate crickets, could not make play-dough objects because that would be a graven image. He tried to follow the ten commandments; Sabbath keeping and kosher food practices. His stoning of adulterers becomes a more symbolic but tense pebble tossing.
The book could create discussion and reflection on what Biblical principles we take seriously and which ones we might not. A good question for Lent would be “How would you do a year of Living Biblically?” Or specifically; how about for the next 40 days? What would that be for you?

We all do our picking and choosing or emphasize some parts of "Biblical living” over others. Some concentrate on personal morality, some underline social justice, some concentrate on piety, of course its all in there!
My reading of the Bible and my lens of Christ is that it would be centered in the value and lifestyle of life changing-world changing love: “Love fulfills the law. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself. God is love. Beloved let us love one another.” You might look at how you can more intentionally be Biblical in the Lenten time ahead. How will you love the hungry and poor? Will you embody the Gospel and welcome “outcasts?” Will love be a step toward forgiveness or peacemaking? How do you increase your gratitude and generosity? Will you look at how you care for the earth’s resources, your consumer choices; your recycling? Would a Lent of living Biblically mean more time for soul searching, God listening, Bible study and prayer? Could it be a month without gossip; a month of thank you letters or getting around, purposefully, to that thing you keep avoiding, but know needs to be done?

Our Bishop has also been intrigued with the book’s theme and writes about the Year of Living Faithfully or “maybe Dangerously” in her blog. (

I will offer something new by posting a special blog entry for everyday of Lent; a brief quote, reflection or prayer, an image or a scripture at

We have our Lenten Wednesday evening services, shared with other churches. We will look at the Journeys of Paul. Ash Wednesday service will be at Park Church!
Grace and peace. Rory

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