Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Slept until 6 AM this morning! We might do less walking today. I will stroll to the Woolworths grocery store for some breakfast items. Ive already had my "plunger" coffee. We have some paperwork that needs to get in to Nan Tien temple so we might figure out the bus for that venture. It is in a suburb of Wollongong.

a quote for the day..from Spirituality and Practice.
I try always to look upon the world and the people I meet as echoes of my spirit. I know that if I am speaking with deceit, deceit will be echoed back to me . . . Likewise, if I find that I am constantly cheerful, full of brightness and hope, or deeply contemplative in the presence of a particular person, I know I am in the presence of a gracious spirit, and I am echoing the gift that is being given to me. It is as if the lesson of the echo contains the secret to understanding the space between us all.
— Kent Nerburn in Small Graces

Maybe that thought could also be symbolized with the in "things come back to you"

What goes around ...comes around...

what you reap...

rambling inthe pre-dawn shadows of the day

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