Thursday, July 2, 2009

stewardship note

Read Jeff Reeds blog or note on ,MN climate change forecast. Get a link at my blog if needed. Here in Australia. as in the rest of the non USA world, there is so much more environmental awareness about water and energy use, we see a majority of people here bringing their own reusable shopping bags, tv ads say go green, save the planet, go Veg. This is an area for the church in the USA to speak up on. We will have some reusable shopping bags distributed at Park church...use them. But also shop differently, less packaging Dont waste..etc.. make it a daily devotional lifestyle. Shop prayerfully. Will we do it perfectly? Of course not, but any step in that direction is a step of faith.

An act of love, a voluntary taking on oneself of some of the pain of the world, increases the courage and love and hope of all.

- Dorothy Day

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