Friday, September 18, 2009

Prayer again from Upper Room website

CHRIST, MY SERVANT LORD, I seek to do your will, yet I am so often discouraged by what I see and what I know. What I experience often beats me down, driving out my joy and dreams and even the sight of you. But your faithful Spirit dwells with me, stirring my heart and my mind. And so I pray that you who are the Dreamer, the Joy, and the Hope of the Ages would sow in me dreams and visions of what is yet to be, that what is may never so fill my seeing that I am unable to see you, so conquer my knowing that I cease to know you, or so paralyze my doing that I fail to serve you. Amen.

- Minerva G. CarcaƱo
Rhythm & Fire: Experiencing the Holy in Community and Solitude

From p. 27 of Rhythm & Fire edited by Jerry P. Haas and Cynthia Langston Kirk. Copyright © 2008 by Upper Room Books.

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