Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Helps You Pay Attention?

While making a quick trip through a Barnes and Noble store I picked up Thin Places: Where Faith Is Affirmed and Hope Dwells
by Mary Treacy O'Keefe
(Publisher: Beaver's Pond Press, Incorporated) on p. 133 she gave this quote from Rev John Ackerman .

“So what is it that helps you pay attention? Some people walk or read scripture or sing a hymn. Some do a simple review of noticing what they are grateful for. Pretty soon the gifts we notice become traceable to the Giver and prayer happens. I find that I am helped in sharing stories with others. People help affirm my observations that it is God I stumbled upon, or question my perception. I hear another’s story, and...I am able to recognize God in new ways.”

I read it to the lectionary study group and it also fits well with the material being used for The Spiritual Life class.
Thanks to Mary Treacy O’Keefe for permission to post the quote!

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