Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lent Post on Lazarus... Truth Unfolding

I am thinking about the Sunday Gospel in John with the raising of Lazarus. I had planed to work with this sense of delay from Jesus and the "if you had been here" words from Mary and Martha. It could be a way to talk about our time in the tombs before we get called forth.. and how we would rather have that hurried up or avoided.
But then there is also the verse that says unbind him and set him free. It too is rich with potential, as we are partners in that process. But then I came across a simple quote
from Joseph Goldstein who writes from some Buddhist insight . "Be gentle with yourself. You are the truth unfolding."
(I found the quote on another blog; allchannels.blogspot.com)
But what a way to see ourselves and the community of faith in the setting of Lazarus and his unbinding or unfolding!
"Be gentle with yourself. You are the truth unfolding."
Our new life and our resurrection world is a truth unfolding....
the unbinding is still happening....