Thursday, January 8, 2009

By John Dear
Religious congregations gather every day for prayer and Scripture reading without taking to heart Jesus’ command to seek justice and make peace. More often than not our churches promote personal piety but not the pursuit of economic justice and social liberation. They do not rock the ship of state. Rarely, in fact, do church officials proclaim good news to the poor or denounce the injustice that kills the poor. Rather, they roll on with the ship of state, a Titanic sailing to its doom.

Source: Jesus the Rebel
from inward/outward

Any one got comments on that..what do you think?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I've blogged on this before, and agree with him. Although I'm not sure it's the church leaders that are to "blame". The Bishops spoke out about the war and people were mad at them. Lots of good discussion points in your post.