Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some quick , disconnected rambles... (are there any other kind) during lunch before getting back to church for Park Prayers!
I hope to be done soon with the cough cold sniffle crud yuk that I have had for some time; Beth now has it (again) and Nick is hoping to avoid it because he has the lead part for the school one act play competition..lots of lines to speak and he needs a strong voice. My "book-spiritual connection clergy group "is starting Nouwen's Reaching Out and that meets at 2 today. I actually did my reading. The church year end Table Reports have been sent in!
I have been enjoying facebook and since the cold crud has limited my pastoral contacts the Fb got some attention, as well as some advance worship preparation, and other odd in office, in house jobs. The slower pace was hard so my talk about practicing spiritual discipline of silence and centering prayer is still not easy for me to practice. Thanks for rambling along.

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