Thursday, June 21, 2007


Last night was the annual Launch Fishing Trip on Lake Milacs. Its sponsored by the church Men's Group but has become an annual invite for family and friends. The Launch takes 40 passengers and its pretty easy fishing. The crew hands you a baited rod and reel, they set your depth and you watch your bobber. It begins around 7 pm and ends around 11 or so. I think I have only caught two or three fish in my 8 years with that trip. But I always enjoy it. As they say, "the fishing will be good but the catching may be slow." Bob always cooks one of the best hamburgers of the year and this year the weather was wonderful. Way off in the distance we watched a cloud put on a lighting show. We enjoyed the sunset and watched the stars come out. This year I had the pleasure of my daughter, Sara, sitting next to me on the boat. The very first year I was appointed to Park Church my son, Nicholas, and I got invited to go on the Fishing trip even before we had moved into Brainerd. Nick had just finished with first grade. I remember a few of the men on the boat would get a fish on the the line and then say. "Nick, come and hold this fishing pole for me." It was a great way to be introduced to a congregation. To bend a phrase from Jesus, "Fishing can be about ministry." I'm thinking that the Bishop in Minnesota could suggest that all appointments begin with a fishing trip.

Rambling on.

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