Friday, June 22, 2007

Old Valentines Day Card

Yesterday I enjoyed another one of my "stay home" vacation days. I got the chain saw out and trimmed out half of a dead tree, set up a new flower bed (pictured below), mowed lawn, ran a few errands and then settled in to put away some of the pictures that had been my grandmothers. A few cards and newspaper clippings were also in the collection. There was a Valentine's day card to my grandparents and it was signed "With love from Rory" At first I thought it was a card she had sentimentally kept because it was from me. But then I noticed that it is not my handwriting. My mom had signed it. It looks like an older card. So what is the story? Was it from I time when I was too young to send one? It didn't look that old! Was it a card that I had asked my mom to send for me? Possible. Or did I forget, and my mother was helping us all out so grandma wouldn't feel forgotten? I don't know. But what if my mom was doing for me what I should have, and would want to have done, but failed to do. I need help like that; people who help me to be better than I am to others. I want to remember people and let them know that I love them and care for them. But I don't always get it done. Who then, "covers" for me? Thanks, Mom, and everyone else who helps me say "from Rory with love."

Would it be too theologically syrupy to say that is also what Jesus Christ helps me to to do; covers for me, and does what I would want done (to say "God I love you") if I could really get around to it? I'm thinking that is what we are all here for, to help us all say I love live in the grace-full Spirit of Christ. The world needs to hear that more.

Rambling on.

1 comment:

Rory said...

An update on the card..My mother thinks she sent it for me when I was just a baby. Rory