Sunday, July 22, 2007

Guest Blogger

Hello Everybody!

As you may have guessed by the clever title "Guest Blogger," the author of this post is not your usual Swenson. In fact, this is a younger, shorter, left-handed, female version of that famous Rory Lee: his daughter, Sara Ann. For the last few weeks, my Dad has been asking me to do a "Guest Blog" note, so that is what I am finally doing. Oh, and he told me to add pictures. So I'll go and do that too.

As a fellow fan and reader of this blog, I have come to appreciate the laid-back, "Walt Whitman", cloud-busting, star-gazing, philosophy-pondering tone of the blog, and I will do my best to maintain that, in my own odd way.

I am going off to college this fall.
I don't think the idea has completely hit me yet: I am leaving. The nest is shrinking. Bottles have broken on the side of this boat, and I am bound to leave moor. It's countdown to launch time: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I've only got six more weeks to get all of my metaphors figured out before I'm off on my own.

It's exciting, I must admit, and a little bit terrifying. We'll have to see what comes of it. The last few weeks have been Most Strange in the way that they feel like I've lived through my own funeral. Having Mom and Dad sort through boxes of my old things - tossing together photo albums of my life growing up for our grad party, the grad party in general (friends and family from all over gathering to wish me well and "reminisce"). It's been odd. But interesting. I suppose that's a bit of what life is: funeral after funeral, or really, wedding after wedding - old pieces of ourselves dying off while new pieces are met, melded, and born. We bury our fears and bring up our best memories. Every time we step up to a new level in life, we clean out our old "memory boxes" to make room for a few new ones. My dad calls all of this sorting and cleaning and sifting "consolidating tubs." I guess I'll just call it growing up.

Rambling over.


P.S. Here's that picture I promised. I just think it looks pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good thoughts and beautiful picture